Kamis, 24 April 2014

Hasil Tugas Regrensi Berganda

                                            The SAS System             08:22 Friday, April 4, 1997   1

Model: MODEL1
Dependent Variable: Y

                                         Analysis of Variance

                                            Sum of         Mean
                   Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

                   Model            2    366.83517    183.41759        2.936       0.1186
                   Error            7    437.26483     62.46640
                   C Total          9    804.10000

                       Root MSE       7.90357     R-square       0.4562
                       Dep Mean      77.70000     Adj R-sq       0.3008
                       C.V.          10.17190

                                         Parameter Estimates

                                  Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
                 Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|

                 INTERCEP   1     26.860716   30.53536243         0.880        0.4082
                 X1         1      0.229535    0.21650323         1.060        0.3243
                 X2         1      0.146671    0.10683524         1.373        0.2122

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